Vrhunski gastronomski doživljaj za vaša nepca. Fast food Locanda posluje od 2021. godine. u Kožinu.
Naši kuhari ih sa kvalitetnom hranom stapaju u jedno božansko čudo prekrasnog okusa. Doživite vrhunski gastronomski doživljaj!
Za Vas odabiremo samo svježe meso vrhunske kvalitete. Pomno odabrani komadi mesa kako bi hrana bila što boljeg okusa.
Pomoću posebnih recepata i začina, ovaj Fast Food će Vas oboriti s nogu.
Locanda nudi široku ponudu hrane, koja će razmaziti vaša nepca da nećete poželjeti ni jedan drugi Fast Food!
Dolor Sit Amet
Dolor Sit Amet
Dolor Sit Amet
Dolor Sit Amet
27 studenoga
Histamines are chemicals produced by the human body and are found in nearly all tissues. They are responsible for several functions, including communicating messages to the brain, releasing stomach acid for digestion, and helping the body get rid of allergens or injuries. While the body naturally produces histamine, it is also consumed through food and […]
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Enter the 4-digit year you would like to calculate the depreciation expense for. If you would like the name of the asset, or General Asset Account (GAA), included in the title of the depreciation schedule, enter the name in this field. Plus, the calculator also gives you the option to include a year-by-year depreciation schedule […]
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zoran jelenković 25.09.2021. 20:30H Nismo odustali od našeg Zorana, a ni on od nas, pa će se svirka održati ove subote 25.9. s početkom u 20:30h🤩🤗 Rezervacije napravljenje za prošlu otkazanu svirku ne vrijede, stoga molimo sve koje žele rezervirati stol da nam se jave putem društvenih mreža ili na kontakt broj 099 544 7129 […]
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TRIBUTE TO OLIVER 08.10.2021. 20:30H Nismo odustali od našeg Zorana, a ni on od nas, pa će se svirka održati ove subote 25.9. s početkom u 20:30h🤩🤗 Rezervacije napravljenje za prošlu otkazanu svirku ne vrijede, stoga molimo sve koje žele rezervirati stol da nam se jave putem društvenih mreža ili na kontakt broj 099 544 […]
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ART GUITAR TRIO 23.10.2021. 20:30H U subotu 23.10.2021. od 20:30h najavljujemo party u LOCANDI!!!Jedna od večeri u kojoj će se svirati mnogi bezvremenski hitovi! 🎶🎸🎤 Art Guitar Trio će svirati sve poznate hrvatske i strane rock hitove, od 80-ih do danas.Definitivno ih vrijedi čuti 😘Vidimo se u Locanda caffe bar-u. Rezervirajte stol
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IT Sales Managers typically have a bachelor’s degree in a field such as business administration, sales, marketing, or information technology. They work closely with the IT team to develop and sell products or services that effectively solve the client’s problems. They are responsible for setting sales goals, analyzing data, and developing training programs for the […]